So this has an actual name?

I just called it being “over it” and “done”.

My youngest had just had enough yesterday. She could barely hold it together to leave the school.

When these moments happen (which usually in my kids occur during a transition) – in this case starting full-time school, I just give them some space to decompress. To dance around, to play with slime, to just do nothing.

But she – she was like a little human tornado yesterday. Nothing helped.

She had me questioning my parenting skills.

How dare she! She’s my third. I shouldn’t be thrown any curve balls now!

She wanted to go to dance class, and then she didn’t. Then she wanted to dress for dance class. Then we got there and she said “I’m not going in. I don’t want to dance today.”


Y’all know those moments when you know NOT press an issue? When you get that look from the other person like 😑?

This was one of those. So we ended up staying in the car. No dance for her – she got cuddles instead. And a late nap. And some skittles.

Bonus for me – I got some cuddle time AND some learning in. The pic above was how I spent an hour and a half learning via my cell phone.

What do y’all do when you have to face your little human tornadoes?


  1. Sometimes you have to do exactly what you did. Cuddle and talk through it. I did some mom/son pics with my child last weekend. And he was ready. Until he wasn’t. And he had a mild meltdown. One of the pictures the photographer got was me talking him through the meltdown. I let him get his feelings out. I stay calm (this took time for me to do this consistently, I’ll admit). It works for my situation most times.

    1. Author

      That’s a really good example. It’s difficult to discern at times but that mama intuition knows when to push and when to pull back and soothe.

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