My journey as an entrepreneur was probably like most. It happened post-college. You see, I didn’t go to school to be a business owner, I had the skill set and knowledge to work in sports medicine and education. After college, I was married and then became a mama – eventually to three kiddos. I supported my family by staying home and making sure the home ran efficiently – everything got done when it needed to be done, everyone was where they needed to be, so on and so forth. But after my third and last child, I just felt a missing piece. I was happy with my life, but felt like I could do more, to contribute more to THE world, not just MY world. I wanted to help others fill a need or want.

At the time, I was still nursing my baby in the middle of the night. As y’all know, feeding while sleepy will have cause a mom to do what during that time? Either watch your show on Netflix or Hulu or scroll Facebook or shop on Amazon. As I was doing just that, I came across clothing that was cute – but it was expensive – and I’m thinking to myself – “people have families and growing kids, we don’t want to be spending a huge chunk of the budget on clothing! I’m sure it’s possible to sell affordable quality pieces.” It’s because of my late-night scrolling that the idea for my store L + L Clothing Shop was born; and over the months that followed, I researched, planned and created my business, then debuted it in June of 2016.

So, business was going great, and then the shine wore off and sales plateaued, then took a dip. I started to doubt myself and my abilities, if I even had what it took to be an entrepreneur. This was at the same time that I was in the thick of my divorce, so extra pressure. I was at the point of thinking, I’ve gotta make this this business thing work – I’ll be on my own soon, and if it’s not going to be profitable in the future, I need to point my energy elsewhere.

So what do I do after that minor freak-out moment? I head to Facebook and scroll aimlessly. Then I come across a video of some lady and her husband walking around a college campus talking about their oldest kid. Now, two things happened, I leaned in because I was being nosy AND as I continued watching this lady talk about how she just handled this situation I found myself nodding in agreement – multiple times. I was identifying with this stranger I never met, laughing about the steps I would take to teach my future college-aged kid a life lesson, because those lessons were the same. But there was something else she mentioned casually in conversation. That she was an entrepreneur – my ears perked up and I filed that tidbit away for later. Now because the things she said made me laugh and I related to it – and she was an entrepreneur, I looked her up. I found out that she wasn’t just some one-hit wonder in business, she came from corporate! A place where she helped build out multi-figure businesses. She was so successful at using corporate strategies to help everyday people build successful businesses of their own, she quit her 9-5 and started out on her own as a full-time entrepreneur.

Now, I was still a little skeptical about this lady named Nicole Walters, but luckily I saw she was offering a webinar called The Customer Map to learn more about her strategies and formats, so I joined. Well, she got me y’all. Nicole’s methods and her product called 1K1DAY pulled me in – and I HAD to join the course! To this day, I am so thankful I took the step to invest in myself.


When I enrolled in 1K1DAY, I was given the tools and knowledge to help me refine my existing business AND create ways to pull in revenue from other sources. Not only that, but I was immersed into a group of people called “Richfriends”, who brought a community of inspiration, motivation, knowledge and accountability. People that I’m still surrounded by today. People that I’m now teaching a training series to! We’ve grown our businesses together and we continue to help and educate one another. It was such a special space, unlike anything I’ve ever been a part of. 1K1DAY gave me that! I truly believe that had I not taken that first brave step of enrolling, it would’ve taken me YEARS to get to where I am right now. To acquire the business knowledge, the methods and strategies, YEARS y’all.

You may be where I was in 2018 before I joined 1K1DAY. You may be at a point where your current business isn’t pulling in the profits like it was before and it’s now more of an expensive hobby than a profitable business. Or you might have an amazing idea, but you have yet to make the idea an actual living, breathing company. You might represent another company, selling their products and services but you know that deep down, you have more that you can to bring to the world. Maybe you just want a way to create revenue so you could add a little extra to the family budget – make those summer vacations an annual thing, put a little more towards your kid’s future, be able to give your child the opportunity to be on that competitive team to help them nurture their talent, get some free time so you can have a little self-care. If you find yourself nodding your head or if you hear that small voice saying “this is it!”, it may be time to take that big step.

I didn’t want the day to go on without giving you the opportunity to join what I consider a game changer. It can be found at the link below. There’s a reason why this course sells out in LESS THAN 5 MINUTES! There’s a reason why people that take this course PROSPER in their mind AND bank account!


Nicole Walters brings the corporate world to your home office, desk or kitchen table. The strategies and methods are proven – they WORK! It helped me get my business back on track and create more revenue from other sources. Not only are they sound, the added bonus is the Richfriend Community.

RICHFRIENDS are people that are RICH in SPIRIT and RICH in their PURPOSE. These are the people you will work side-by-side with when you join 1K1DAY. They will bring the additional knowledge, perspective, motivation, and accountability you need to be successful. I can’t stress how important it is to be surrounded by people that are heading in the same direction and have the same determined mindset as you.

So here’s the kicker – Cycle 18 of the program is OPEN to the general public. Cycle 18 will be straight fire. Why? Because it comes with even more content and bonuses, it literally keeps getting better every cycle. 

All you have to do is click the link below, and go from there:


If you:

  • Have a business idea sitting in your head;
  • Have a current business, but you need a little help making it grow; or
  • Have a unique skill or specialty that you’d like to monetize


If you are a business owner or a business dreamer – you NEED this. 1K1DAY is for: the crafters, the makers, the techies, the bakers, the photographers, the lawyers, the accountants, the MLM-ers, the teachers, the coaches, the MUAs, the boutiques and so many more.

It’s YOUR time, time to invest in YOURSELF and YOUR BUSINESS! Have questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments! Until then, here’s my affiliate link, if you purchase the course through my link, I do receive a portion of the sale. See you soon Richfriend!!

See this link to learn more about 1K1DAY.


*I am an approved affiliate of 1K1DAY, I do receive a portion of the profit if you use my link to enroll.

Want to know even more details about Cycle 18? Click here.

Have questions about pricing? Click here to see more info.