Monicha Wimbley is a mom, business owner, life organizer & creative. You can usually find her shuttling her children to and fro or up late at night getting work done.
Years ago, she traded her college degrees from The Florida State University in Sports Medicine and Education for a stay-at-home role. She loved being the fuel that helped the family and household run efficiently and effectively. She also relished the time she was able to spend with her children throughout the day. Shortly after her youngest turned one, she started thinking of ways to not only keep the flexibility of her stay-at-home role, but also contribute financially and create something that could be passed down to her children. In 2016, her love of affordable, easily-accessible fashion birthed an online business: L&L Clothing Shop.
Not long after, in the year 2017, Monicha arrived at a pivotal point in her life as she endured a year-long divorce process. Turning her pain into purpose, she founded MPW Operations in 2018. Using her natural gift of organization, systems and planning, she provides products that help individuals navigate their lives.
Her newest addition, MPW Creative, focuses on graphic design for individuals and organizations.
Monicha has made it her mission to not only be a shining example to her children about what can happen when you dig deep, grab your strength and use it to fuel your purpose; but also how to show up and serve in the best possible way.